How to Help The Hope Centre

Donating money


There are many ways to donate money and help us maintain the services we currently provide to homeless and disadvantaged people in West Somerset.

Donate Online

You can donate online via EasyDonate. (These donations can be Gift-aided on their site.)


By Text

To donate £1, text GIVE001 to 70201
To donate £3, text GIVE001 to 70331
To donate £5, text GIVE001 to 70970
To donate £10, text GIVE001 to 70191

Online & Text fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme (Charity No: 1149800), operating as DONATE. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. For Terms & Conditions, see

By cheque

Please make cheques payable to The Minehead Hope Centre Trust and send them to:
The Hope Centre, Minehead
C/O Minehead Baptist Church
TA24 8BS

By standing order

If you would like to set up a standing order please email and we will provide our bank details so that you can arrange this online with your bank.

By give as you earn

Give As You Earn is a Government initiative to encourage donors to support charities on a long-term basis. It is a way of giving tax-free. It is the largest and most successful payroll giving scheme in the UK and is the simplest way to give to a charity direct from your pay tax free.

Gift aid

If you pay UK income or capital gains tax you can give long term tax effective support to the charity by making a gift aid declaration. This will increase the value of your gift by 25% . In this way a gift of £20 for example will become £25.60 once the tax has been reclaimed from HMRC.

Email for a Gift Aid Form for The Hope Centre, Minehead.

Volunteer your time

We need more people to help occasionally on Tuesday or Friday. This would not necessarily be every week or for the whole time we are open.

  • Maybe you could use our catering standard kitchen to help prepare and/or cook the lunch for about 25 people?
  • Or perhaps you could offer a welcome, a listening ear, and fresh hope for the new clients we receive? (appropriate training and guidance will be provided)
  • Or could you help serve meals and generally keep things tidy?
  • Or perhaps you could help us improve our use of social media?

Complete the website contact form and we will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Giving clothes, household goods & food

A clothing rack

We are usually in need of good quality warm clothing (particularly men’s), bedding and toiletries. However, please call us before bringing items in, as we have limited storage space.

A bag of Groceries

For those finding it hard to make ends meet, we can provide some grocery items through supplies mainly given to us by the West Somerset Food Cupboard.

We are also working with several local retailers to collect surplus food that would otherwise go to waste.

What we receive is then either used in the meals we provide or offered for the clients to take away.